On the first of their three flights, Clay wrote this and shared it with us ...
It is finished. 16 months of prayer and preparation, complete. God blessed all along the way.
Travel to Kolkata India went smooth and easy, Complete. God blessed all along the way.
5 clinics held with roughly 750 people hearing the gospel, Complete. God blessed all along the way.
Friends met and shared experiences and have grown deeper as brothers and sisters in Christ, complete. God blessed all along the way.
Wheels up at 6:45. The work is done. The return flight has begun, but the blessings continue.
Praise God for a fantastic trip! And we pray for traveling mercies and the people we served might come to know Jesus personally, and tell others. May God's blessings come along the way.
We are so proud of their work and their trust in God's plan and provision. We know God will continue that work among the Kolkata community. He will send workers to water the seeds that were planted. We plant or water ... whichever God calls us to do ... but only God can make those seeds grow! We commend those seeds into His hands, trusting He will grow them.
As the team was preparing for their last day in India and the beginning of the journey home, they were getting the updates on the big game! Deanna was quite excited with the outcome!
Thank you for your continued prayers for the Lions fans, err ... I mean, for the team.
Honored, privileged to be a tiny part of the India Mission Team's actual pursuit, and action of the Great Commission. You folks are setting an example for all of us, Discipleship is required of all of Christians. Thank all of you for your wonderful work 🙏