Saturday, February 3, 2024

How Did we Get Here?

Let me tell you how the Kolkata India trip came together. It was over 16 months ago when "D" and I (Clay) were talking. I was telling him what an eyeglass camp looks like and how it could help his awareness in the community. I had him inquire with MOST to see if they would even go there. When we found out they were willing to check it out, we were ecstatic. 

St. Matthew already had a trip scheduled for Punjab, India. The director of MOST, Marty, met me in Kolkata at the tail end of the Punjab trip to see if it was a viable location for an eyeglass camp. That was one year ago almost to the week. 

Much prayer and planning was started, and MOST finally gave the nod to move forward. I pledged to D, I would do everything in my power to spread the word to raise a team. I asked the Lord who he might want to go on this trip. He said ask everybody. If they don’t go this time maybe they will go next time. 

I asked all the members of St. Matthew that had gone on previous trips. I asked friends and family. I asked D’s friends from his town who were in Ohio running a shelter. They knew of a full time missionary that was stateside in Ohio that might want to go back. 

Many were asked. God revealed who he wanted on this trip. But that was only 8 coming up on the deadline. We needed 10. Then a wonderful thing happened. People I didn’t know. And they didn’t know me, started signing up for the trip out of the blue. I knew it was a God thing. Makes me well up with emotion as I think about it. Today, we fly half way around the world to share our Jesus with D’s community members. 

I was hoping people from other places would come to help. And they are. The only thing I did was pray. Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns in Heaven and Earth!!! 

I did what I could to help raise a team. But, I fell far short. God raised this team, and I am looking forward to meeting them in the field. Praise the Lord for the way he works in our midst. I love seeing his brushstrokes across our lives. 

A servant of the King,

1 comment:

  1. God's Blessings you!!! I'm praying for you.
    'Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”' Isaiah 6:8
