Thursday, November 14, 2019

Final Day of Clinic

The team and local church members completed the final day of the clinic seeing 205 people. And the declaration I received was, "We had a great day!!!" I think three exclamation marks must mean it really was. Even though the power was out for half an hour on an overcast day making it very difficult to see, it was still a great day. They only had to turn away a handful or people, which is always difficult, but impressive that it was only a few.

Sandy had to dig deep into her bag of tricks to supply needed glasses as they were finishing up.

As a reminder, the glasses that are distributed are donated by people that no longer need them (likely because they've gotten new ones). Please save your old glasses and donate them! Someone that has never had access to glasses can use them. If you'd like to see how they go from someone's junk drawer to the face of someone at a MOST eyeglass clinic, please visit the MOST eyeglass webpage. You can also visit MOST Ministries in Ann Arbor and see it in person. There are incredible volunteers that take the glasses and clean them, find the prescription, sort them, and pack them for mission teams. You can also donate your time to helping. In addition, teams take witnessing gifts with them (bracelets and puppets). Maybe you aren't called to go on a mission trip, but you could help make some of these supplies. That's on the website, too! Or, ask a member of the current or a previous mission team for some information. We always hear that there are go-ers and send-ers. The send-ers are very important for the mission trips, whether it's your prayer support, financial support, or volunteering in one of the ways mentioned.

The clinic could not be successful without all the volunteers. So many people from Everlasting Life give their time the whole week to help at the clinic. This picture shows the translators and doorman. But there are many additional people that help, including the lovely ladies that make food for the team.

I'm told Madhu was a great helper!

We praise God for the success of the eyeglass clinic and trust that He is working on the hearts that heard of His love this week. Speaking of praising God ... the team is heading into worship at Everlasting Life Church. Today is their monthly celebration where many of the home churches and members from different geographic districts come together in worship and Holy Communion. Often, Pastor Daniel baptizes new Christians at this service, as well. May God bless this time of worship.

We also pray for safe travel, as the team will leave after worship to head to Agra for their visit to the Taj Mahal.

Also, our team has provided some bios so you can learn a little bit about those that are called to serve. We haven't gotten them all yet, but go read them on the Meet the Team page of the blog.

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