Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day 3 of the Clinic

Today was another great day at the clinic with 143 gospel presentations and 187 pair of glasses dispensed! We can only imagine how both these things change the lives of the people receiving them. Many of these people have never had glasses before. Some of the women can now see again to thread the needle on their (manual) sewing machine, which is the only income they have. But more importantly, all of these people have heard the hope we have in Jesus. This is what changes lives!

The team thought we'd like to see some pictures of the hotel, and I think it's a great idea. So, here you go.

Here's a cool story. While at the hotel, Clay and Ray ran into some India folks from Buffalo, New York. They are visiting a friend and his wife that are local teachers. Our guys told them about the eyeglass clinic and that they are Christians. The guys said, "When I was in Kenya, nobody would help me but the Christians." He teaches English as a second language. Clay said, "My wife, Lori, does that for the Japanese internationals." And Ray said, "My wife, Traci, does it for the internationals, too!" They exchanged cards and then Clay and Ray went back to their team meeting. God works in all interactions, not just to the specific people receiving glasses.

Here's another story for you that takes us all the way back to our last trip, 2 years ago. Our driver invited us to his home one evening and we met his daughter who was bedridden for a long time with an infection in her leg. We had the privilege of praying for her while we were there. She was a beautiful, young lady with a wonderful smile, but you could see what a burden she was carrying of the illness she had. Well, fast forward two years and she came to the clinic to meet the team. While she still walks with a limp, she is doing well and is also newly married. Praise the Lord for His healing of her.

The team enjoyed another house church worship in the evening (Pastor and Elizabeth do a home church every night, with about 5 or 6 hours of sleep every night. They each also do 3 services every Sunday in different towns.) Our friend, Meenu, shared a video on Facebook of the worship and they are praising God with these words ... Yeshu acha hain (forgive my spelling). My limited Punjabi recognizes this as "God is so good." And He certainly is!

Thank you for remembering our mission team in your prayers and supporting them while they're serving. They are just about to start their last day of the eyeglass clinic. This is often the longest day, so pray for their energy and emotions.


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