Sunday, February 19, 2023

Record Day at Clinic!

To God be the glory for an incredible day! In the years that we've been partnering with Everlasting Life Ministry and MOST Ministries, we have never served so many people in one day! Are you ready for the numbers? ... 

Wait for it ... 

 Wait for it ...

... 249!! 249 people came through that door and were served by our team and the many, many volunteers from the church. And they distributed 302 pairs of glasses! God put this team together in just the way He designed and they are serving His people in Northern India in great ways. 

And what's even better than that is God's love and sacrifice was proclaimed over and over again, in the heart language of each of these people. Some of them were moved to tears while hearing about the crucifixion of Jesus.

May the Holy Spirit work in those hearts to grow faith. And we pray that many return to be ministered to by the local church, Pastor Daniel, and all the pastors and church members.

In the evening, the team visited Pastor Daniel's family home, where he grew up. Look at the hospitality. The team enjoyed a great spread of food.

The men from the team are pictured here with Pastor Daniel, his brother Pastor Samuel, and nephew Solomon, who has been working in the eyeglass clinic with the team.

We couldn't help adding some pictures of the neighbor's cows. According to Becky, they are the best cared for cows in India.

The team is privileged to worship with Everlasting Life Ministry again for Sunday worship and the clinic will resume with it's last day on Monday. Thanks for following along and for praying for this mission.


  1. Amazing to see Gid at work through His people.

  2. Praise God for all you are doing to shine your lights for Jesus Christ!
